This is the video documentary of the Classics In The Schools program
I did for Education Outreach, Co-Director For The Antaeus Company.
Video by Ian Skorodin
A review just came in for the audio book I recorded for Harper Collins.
The audio book is SWORD QUEST, and it is now available.
Review of-
by Nancy Yi Fan
Read by Janellen Steininger
Also, I have been doing some "education outreach" work in
Los Angeles high schools this spring.
I'm the co-director of educational outreach for The Antaeus Company, and I've
been designing and implementing Shakespeare programs in area highschools.
JANELLEN appears!
Monday, January 7th, 8:00 pm
The Road Theater Company Presents:
In 90 Minutes
For 6 Actors
A reading of a new play by
Tom Beyer
Janellen Steininger
The Road Theatre
5108 Lankershim Blvd.
North Hollywood, CA 91601
You can hear me narrate and perform
all the characters in "SWORDBIRD",
by Nancy Yi Fan, published by Harper Collins.
It's a children's fantasy (ages 6-11),
and will available in early 2008.